Lamb Kebab in paper

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I am sure most of turkish people faced with the sentence after they told that i m from Turkey, "Ooo Turkey ; Sish Kebab".. Let me tell something; Turkey is not consist of only Sish Kebab and The only Kebab is not Sish Kebab! There are lots of type of Kebab recipes here which i like more.
Lamb Kebab in Paper is one of the most delicious kebab recipe. 

500 gr lamb, cut into pieces
1 zucchini
1 potato
1 carrot
6-7 pearl onions
3 cloves garlic
1 table spoon red pepper paste
Black Pepper
1 bay leaf

Keşkek (Wheat-lamb/chicken Stew)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

I recently read Keşkek has officially entered UNESCO’s Intangible Heritage List.
It is very special traditional turkish dish which we cook for wedding, or any other celebrations in the Anatolia. Last year when my granddad has came from Haj , we went to Sinop(a city in black sea region) where he lives for special ceramony of his return. The main dish we served was Keşkek which was cooked in large cauldrons over wooden fire. And we shared all people in the village..It is very rich food  , with 500 gr wheat i cooked, 7-8 people can get full easily.

Domates Tava (Tomato Kebab)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

This is another Urfa recipe which is easy to make and delicious. Visuality is perfect as well as taste.

750 gr ground meat
2 kg tomato, big size
1 onion, grated
3 green peppers
2 red peppers
1 table spoon tomato paste
black pepper

Arnavut Ciğeri(Fried Liver)Recipe

Monday, August 27, 2012

As far as i read, this dish was cooked by Albenians who were living in İstanbul during 16th century, and thats why we call it Albenian liver. I honestly doubt that if albenians aware of this dish , because we call a lot of foods with country names which they dont have any idea..My ex was iranian and once i seen a pie called iranian pie, i thought it would be nice surprise for him and bought , but he said that they dont have anythng like this in iran:)
Anyhow whether it is albenian dish or turkish , it is delicious which you can prepare in 10 min.

Musakka Recipe

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Musakka is an eggplant dish which is cooked in a large region from Mediterranean to Middle East.
In Turkey we call it Musakka, in some region it is called Mousaka or .
The preffered cooking way is fry the eggplants first but if you wish you can cook the eggplants in the oven instead of  frying. Although frying is fatty and unhealthy way to cook but i think that is the thing which make it sooo delicious.

Etli Yaprak Sarma (Stuffed Leaves with Meat) Recipe

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stuffed vegetables take an important place in Ottoman Kitchen. This is the season of vine leaves so I decided to cook Yaprak Sarma. You can use inside mixture to stuff other vegetables like tomato, zucchini, bell pepper, cabbage.. Yoghurt is great accompany for these dishes.
If you are not fan of meat dishes , you can try the vegetarian olive oil version of Stuffed vine leaves which i will give the recipe later on.

Hünkar Pilavı (Sultan's Pilaf) Recipe

Friday, June 15, 2012

Ottoman Sultans definetly had a fine palate.I can imagine hundreds of cooks in Palace Kitchen were trying different mixtures for Sultan to like.
This rice recipe called Sultan's Pilaf which you can find various types of sultan pilaf. Probably each of them has different style. It was a kinda new experiment for my family to mix a lot of different spices in the rice but the result was definetly perfect.

Erikli Kuzu Yahnisi (Lamb with Prune Sauce) Recipe

Friday, June 15, 2012

Yahni is an awesome flavor which is heritage from Ottoman times. It is a cooking type which mean stewing meat,chicken or fish. You can cook it in various types with different vegetables and sauces. Lamb with prune has sweet taste. Enjoy!!

Bulghur Pilaf with Chicken Recipe

Monday, June 11, 2012

This dish originally from Urfa which is one of the oldest city in the world. As you can guess , they presented lots of good dishes to world. It has very rich kitchen.

Couscous Salad Recipe

Saturday, June 9, 2012

It is easy and delicious salad recipe.. Same ingredients i use with macaroni, first time i tried with couscous and it turned awesome dish!

Muhammara Recipe (Red pepper dip)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Muhammara is hot red pepper appetizer which belongs to Gaziantep kitchen. I like hot so it is one of my favourite appetizer and also the king of the table on sunday breakfasts at my home. If you dont like so hot , you can reduce the red pepper amount as your wish..

Perde Pilavi(Drape Pilaf)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Turkish Kitchen has wide range of various foods, and rice takes an important place here. Perde pilavi is one of the best rice dishes, especially cooked in the eastern part of Turkey, and is a popular dish for weddings.

All ingredients in drape pilaf have a meaning. Rice symbolizes fertility, currant symbolizes future children, and crust symbolizes protection and privacy.

After cooking it for the first time I wanted to share this with you. Although it looks difficult to make, it is not that hard.


Parsley Gratin

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It is light and delicious recipe. Great alternative dish for vegeterians also.

Simple Kofte Recipe with Potato (Burger)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I took this recipe from my aunt, it is really yummy and easy recipe. This was definetly one of the best kofte i have ever had.

Cig Borek Recipe (Fried pastry with raw meat inside)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today is 1st of May , Happy labor day to all!! Today is also important from a side that is my mum's birthday. She is the best mum ever.. She turned 53 , long live Mum! I love you..
Cig Borek is one of her favourite food which is famous in Eskişehir city in Turkey. I cooked lots of foods for her but this was King of the table.
I cooked it with 1 gl of flour, and made 5 çiğbörek. I am giving original recipe, you can make it less or more as your desire.. Enjoy!!

Corn Bread With Cheese&Dill Recipe (Mısır Ekmeği)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Corn flour&bread famous especially in Black Sea Region of Turkey. I like corn bread but i like it with cheese and dill more. I learnt this recipe from a famous Turkish chef "Oktay Usta" who is on TV.


Kashk Bademjoon Recipe (Iranian Eggplant Dish)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

I have tasted this dish in an iranian restaurant in Dubai. It is so delicious and easy to make, you can serve it with pita bread. They call it kashk in Iran , in Turkey we say Kaymak. I am not sure if you can find it wherever you are but it suppose to be sold in Middle eastern groceries. I think sour cream would be fine with it. My friend told kashk is something salty but Kaymak is not, so i used some salt more .. So you can just taste before heat off, and add more salt if needed.

Roasted Eggplant Salad Recipe

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Eggplant is one of my favourite vegetable. You can use it in various type of dishes. This salad is especially famous in Thrace part of Turkey. Easy to make and delicious dish.. You never goes wrong with this recipe, you can use ingredients as your wish.. Some more ,some less;whatever you do will turn to a nice salad . Enjoy!!

Italian Pasta

Friday, April 6, 2012

It is been long time i didnt cook. I am happy that i am back. I have started to diet. I tried Dukan diet which based to protein. It almost zero to fat and carbohydrate. As i am a pasta and rice lover, it didnt take me too much time to leave the diet:)
I am not happy when i eat less, so i think i will be a bit fat whole of my life:)
I should learn to be happy with my fat i guess:)
I was so bored at work recently and i got 1 week off from work, mentally get better.
One of my friend sent me a gift from Italy.. PASTA.. Thanks to Roman for this nice gift. It was yummy.. Hope you all enjoy..
Have good weekend ahead to all..

Baked meat and Cauliflower Puree Recipe

Monday, January 23, 2012

Here is the delicious meat and puree recipe. I love Cauliflower, you can cook it in many ways , also it is very generous veg which can feed all family. You can serve it with your burgers or chicken as well. I cook it in the oven with meat.

Mojito Recipe - Michelle's birthday

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Yesterday celebrated my dear friend Michelle's birthday. Let me get a chance to tell how much i love her. She is my american friend who live in Turkey and almost half Turkish now:)
Beside i spent great time yesterday night , i also had nice experiment to make Mojito and new sauces. I am never so fan of alchol but the Mojito is the one of rare drink that i enjoy to have.
Here is a nice homemade Mojito recipe for your special occasions..

Fried Crepe inside cheese&red bell peppers Recipe

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Easy and delicious food. I guarantee it is delicious but i cant guarantee it s healthy. I would prefer to cook it in the oven instead of fry next time.

Roast Lamb with Tomato&White Sauce Recipe(Kuzu Kapama)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Happy Sunday to all!! Today I was checking some food videos on net and i saw a famous Chef cooking this dish and i desired too much to eat it. I dressed up and went to market to get ingredients.
I suppose to be on diet and this is not a siet dish but i cant say that i m regret:)
It was amazing delicious also i can tell it is easy to cook.
This is the one of best dish of Ottoman Kitchen.

Happy New Year Dinner/Roasted Chicken Recipe

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy belated New Year to all. 2011 was hard year for me and i wish 2012 will be great year for all with full of happiness.
I dont know what you all done the last night of 2011 but i have invited my relatives for dinner. Unfortunately they reached home a bit late because of the traffic but at the end we had great dinner. Everybody enjoyed with the table which make me so happy.
We aren't so fan of turkey so our main dish was roasted chicken.

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