Rice with Meat in the Oven Recipe

Sunday, September 18, 2011

All my family loved it, so delicious rice. Highly recommended :)
You can serve this as main dish.

Food&Friends - Zucchini Cake Recipe

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Last Friday, I joined a very nice cooking event. First time I cooked out of my kitchen and with other people. It was such fun. The people who didn't cook brought some desserts or drinks. I prepared the table on the terrace, the weather was lovely, so everything was perfect...

Peymacun Recipe (Turkish style pizza)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This dish originally cooked with ground meat and called "lahmacun", this is the version with cheese, in turkish cheese mean "peynir" so we call this "peymacun" :)
The size is normally bigger, I wanted to make it smaller, it's a nice appetizer, mine is a bit crispy, the way I liked it, if you don't like crispy, you can add a bit water in the cheese mixture or maybe chopped tomato, with tomato juice it'd be softer.

Turkish Menemen Recipe

Sunday, September 11, 2011

This is today's breakfast meal, I love it, easy to cook and delicious. This is the most popular egg dish in Turkey.

Cornelian Cherry Sherbet

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Sherbet is very important in our culture, at the past we were not serving the raw water to our guests, they were adding some lemon or mint or something. Everything was a chance to make sherbet.
This one is one of that I love, and good chance to drink before summer goes away.
I like the sour taste of cornelian cherry.

Gavurdagi Salad Recipe

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A delicious salad which takes the name from a mountain in Turkey.
It is great accompany especially for kebab and meat dishes.


Monday, September 5, 2011

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Eggplant Kebab Recipe

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Last 2 days I noticed I cook kebab:) but we are Turks and love Kebab... what to do :)
But I try to cook it less heavy avoiding using oil.
You can cook this in tray or better if u can cook in clay pots. Easy to make and delicious food.

Egg Salad Recipe

Sunday, September 4, 2011

This is the tradition in my family for Sunday breakfasts, easy and tasty recipe.

Cokertme Kebab Recipe (Bodrum Kebab)

Saturday, September 3, 2011

It is another nice recipe from Bodrum. I have been there recently, it is very nice coast city which is famous with White houses without roof. Nice weather, nice beach, night life, everything is there.
Cokertme is the name of a village in Bodrum and this kebab is specially there.
In some places I ate with fillet meat, and some others with Kofte (burger), I like burger more so I cooked that way.

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